Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pizza Hut owns in Taiwan - Day 17 - May 22, 2010

Today was planned to go to the hot springs. Well that didn't happen haha. I ended up going to bed around 4AM in the morning and woke up at 2PM the next day. I was too lazy to walk anywhere since I thought I was going to the hot springs. But Theresa and I got pretty lazy. Especially since we were planning to go to Baby 18 to celebrate a friend's birthday. We had a fail with the club, you'll see why as you keep reading!

7-Eleven for Lunch

7-Eleven here are so convenient and smart. I have no idea why they don't do this in the states. I guess it's because they don't want to spend extra money. GREEDY AMERICANS!

Anyways check out this cool bag 7-Eleven gives you when you buy food that they can warm up in the microwave for you to eat. Such great service!

Bacon cream pasta for 55NT=$1.76. It's not as creamy/alfredo tasting like it is in the States. It is more mild but not too bland. I kind of like it, I get sick of the extreme cream buttery taste that America has. The bacon tasted more like ham though haha.

Pizza Hut in Taiwan

Pizza Hut in Taiwan is just amazing! They have so many different topping and combination to choose from. They have some of the same options like in the states with the whole supreme/meat lover type of pizza. But they have other options such as different seafood pizza where there are squid and shrimp. They even have a Kimchi and pork pizza! The Kimchi and pork pizza was delicious. Theresa, Mic, and I ordered a lot to share =)

Special deal on the wings. 90NT=$2.87

Creamy pasta with mushrooms and chicken for 129NT=$4.12. I liked it since it didn't have a huge rich flavor.

Kimchi and pork pizza! It might sound weird but it was really good! The kimchi wasn't too strong. It was a perfect balance with the dough, cheese, and pork. 12 inch pizza for 620NT=$19.79. Worth the price.

Forgot what this pizza is called. But a translation I got was Sea Double King off of google. It's probably wrong haha. This is a half seafood pizza with squid, shrimp, pineapple, and mayo on top. The second half had Italian and German sausage with German style ham. A 12 inch would have cost 620NT=$19.79. But there was a buy 1 get 1 free deal =)


Here's the story. We were suppose to meet up with a group of friends for a birthday at Baby 18. But we wrote down the wrong address. We wrote down the address for Room 18. FAIL! Ended up spending 700NT=$22.34 to get in and get two free drinks instead of 400NT=$12.77 to get in with unlimited drinks. Might not be clubbing for a while unless it's free or super cheap to get in. So expensive >_<

So white from all that smoke ick.

Room 18 is an alright club. It's really spacious when it comes to a lot of booths to sit, chill, and drink your hearts out. But their dance floor is really small. The music doesn't get good until after midnight. They have one area where they mostly play techno/dance music. Then the other room is more of what we're use to in the states (hip hop, rap, and R&B) However, Room 18 plays a lot of crunk music. I don't dance to that haha, except for some songs. The dancers there don't dress as skanky and girls that go to that club aren't as skanky either compared to 9% (or what it is now called Twiice club)

Check out this jabbawockee haha.

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