Thursday, May 13, 2010

I feel like an old lady - Day 7 - May 12, 2010

I feel like an old lady now and days. I get really tired by 10PM. Sometimes 8PM if I'm walking around the night markets and stores. I have no idea why! I get about 8 hours of sleep each day. Maybe it's because all I do during my internship is sit for 4 hours. But that should be changing in June hopefully!

New Cake

I went out to lunch today with Theresa and Xiao Wang. We walked to the area behind Shida for lunch. She treated us to the Asian pizza/pancake that I can't remember what it's called. Cong something haha. But she also took us to this dumpling place and let us try a piece of cake.

The texture was thicker than the Chinese cakes I had. I really like the red bean paste because it wasn't too sweet.

After work, headed to the bakery in Shida Night Market. A lot of owners here are getting strict with taking pictures of their store. But I managed to get some shots mwuahahaha!

I bought this cake =) I forgot how much it was, I think it was 38NT which is $1.22

Let's try Vietnamese Food
Decided to try the Vietnamese restaurant from a hungry girl in Taipei Blog because the Banh Mi in the picture she took looked really good. But I didn't get a Banh Mi because it was pretty expensive, it was 120NT = $3.83. One banh mi wouldn't get me full. Their food overall was kind of pricey for Taiwanese daily life. Especially for me since I'm not getting paid for the internship haha.

Passed the Taipei Arena along the way to the restaurant. This is where Jay Chou is suppose to perform in June for a concert. So sad =( I saw that tickets were sold out (of course). Just when I'm in Taiwan and get a chance to see a live concert, I won't be able to because tickets are sold out =( It's okay food made me happy.

Here is the storefront, inside the restaurant, and menu!

They showcased the sirarcha bottles haha.

What I got =) It's a Pork Rice dish with half an eggroll, egg, and vegetables. 140NT = $4.47

The pork was decently good, not the greatest. The eggroll had a weird taste at first but tasted good later. The egg thing was okay.

But the fish sauce tasted really good!

Sogo Department Store

With a full tummy, I started heading back to the MRT to go home. I had to switch from the brown line to the blue line to get back. One of the signs said SOGO Department Store. I been wanting to go there because people said it was good. I thought there was doing to be some cheap stores but they're mostly expensive brands =( Had some fun exploring the balling grocery store though.

Here are some shots of the levels of SOGO.

There was even a Din Tai Fung there! Haven't eaten there yet but I heard good stuff about it. I will soon!

The baller grocery store. Everything is pretty much overpriced.

Look they have this at Meijer haha.

Fail #10
To get home by the MRT, I have to get off at the Taipei Main Station. This station connects you to all the colored lines. I had to get on the green line to get back to my hostel. Well I completely forgot that one of the stations has two different routes. Once I saw an MRT approach, I quickly got on with Theresa.

Theresa and I both looked at these two girls in high heels who didn't get on the MRT. We thought wow, it's not too bad standing. We thought they wanted seats and we started laughing at them for some reason. Well turns out we got on the yellow line instead of the green line. The yellow and green line meets at one station where we could have got off at (Guting) but we would have to switch to another green line to get to Taipower Building stop.

So FAIL we had to get off the yellow line and get on the green line. Then we realized that the girls waiting for another MRT were probably waiting for the green line. Jokes on us. FAIL.

The Grand Finale

Remember the grocery store inside SOGO? Well I found a pair of flip flops there. These flip flops cost 6600NT = $210.66! It doesn't look really special right? The sparkling stuff on the thong are embedded with crystals. No wonder it's in a glass case. CRAZY!

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