Monday, May 17, 2010

Cravings - Day 12 - May 17, 2010

It's been 12 days and I am already craving for American food >_< I was actually craving for a burger for the past days now. I've been craving for juice, chips, snacks, and chocolate. Didn't think it would happy this fast.

I didn't sleep well at night because of the mosquito bites =( They kept itching like mad. I try so hard not to itch... but I can't fight my unconscious self.

Jiaozi & Suan La Tang

One of the cheapest lunch is to get jiaozi (dumplings) and suan la tang (hot and sour soup). The place I go to is right across of Shida. It's about a 2-3 minute walk. I always forget to take a picture of the store front.

I never liked hot and sour soup much until I tried it at this place! 25NT=$0.80. They give you a pretty big bowl =)

There is also a variety of dumplings you can choose. You can get fried dumplings or steamed dumplings. I always prefer the fried ones =) I bought two kimchi flavored, two pork, and one leek. Each are 5NT=$0.16.

Brings us to a grand total of 50NT=$1.60. Cheap huh?

Injuring your foot sucks =(

Even though I don't want to run a mile in the heat (oh yeah it's been getting warmer and sunnier here! Woohoo to the sun but boo to the heat and humidity >_<), I still want to exercise! I decided to take it easy and just walk around the campus since my left foot still kind of hurts when I bend it a certain way. I took some pictures of NTNU =)

Here are some shots of the campus. The campus isn't too big, but I like the landscapes.

Technology Building

After work, I went to the technology building located near the Zhongxiao Xinsheng (Blue line). The building has floor and floors of technology. You can get things ranging from laptops, cameras, to security cameras. Around the area of the building are blocks of stores that sell laptops and other technology. NTNU's Science and Technology is right across the street from these places. I didn't get to take too many pictures because I was in the rush to eat haha. But if I did take more pictures, it would look pretty similar to each other.

My Chinese Suck

So I was riding the MRT and I saw a Caucasian girl who looks around ten years old. Her Chinese sounded so good! She probably lives in Taipei though haha. I was jealous of her Chinese skills. She was talking to her friend perfectly fine. She will probably become famous one day in Taiwan or China, I can see it now.

Cheeseburger & French Fries

Didn't see anything good around the area of the technology building. So I went back to the area behind Shida to eat a cheeseburger and fries. I went here last year and remembered the burger was good. I forgot that the fries sucked though because there was no flavor. They don't add salt either. But they have really good garlic mayo. The garlic mayo this year seemed to have less flavor though just like most things I tried again in Taipei =(

I ordered a cheeseburger (165NT=$5.27) that came with lettuce, tomato, and onions. Then added the 50NT=$1.60 deal for fries and a sprite. The beef patty had a different texture since the beef is a lower grade that what I'm use to in the US. But it's still pretty good.

Mofo Burger

What I always found funny about this menu is the Mofo burger. Yeah you know what that stands for! They also have a mofo chicken too apparently haha. A mofo burger is basically the same as a regular cheeseburger but with bacon. I had it last year, it was good =)

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