Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ahhh Mosquitos - Day 4 - May 9, 2010

Number of Mosquito Bites of the day: 4
Total: 5

Damn Mosquitos

Mosquitos love me here, I can't help it haha. I hate them! They bite me like crazy. I even bought fragrance free lotion and sun screen. Guess I have to do the same for body wash -_- if there is even a fragrance free one I wouldn't know. But they bit me three times this morning in a span of 15 minutes. One on my arm, leg, and two on my face >_<

But anyways! Lunch was decent.

The broth was really plain. It tasted like they just cooked a chicken in there and didn't add anything else. But the noodles were good and the dumplings in there were flavorful. I probably wouldn't return to the restaurant though.

70NT = $1.36

Fail #5

A lot of things seem to stay open in Taiwan. So I figured the bank may be open on Sundays. Well failed, they close on Sundays. Landlord Mic looked at us weird when we asked him what time the bank closes today. I need monies!

Fail #6

Theresa was webcamming with Michael. She had her earphones on. I was putting up a peace sign in the corner to see how long it took him to notice it. Theresa turns around around and laughs then starts pointing at my peace. I say: "No don't do that, I want to see how long it takes him to notice it." Then Michael notices it. Why? Because I forgot he can hear me through the mic. >_<

Dinner at a Restaurant in Shida Night Market

BBQ Pork meat with sunny side up egg, cucumbers, radish, vegetable, and rice. 90NT = $2.85

What everyone is on line for. This baked bun thingy. They have this at the Chinese bakery, except with custard in it instead of butter. At least I don't think bakery sells one with butter in it. But on top has sugar, it's not too sweet. It's good =) 40NT = $1.27

Fail #7

Bus Fail. I took a look at the routes of the buses to see if any of the routes changed. Bus #18 was familiar to the both Theresa and I but I saw it didn't go to NTU and the 200 ones did. But Theresa said she doesn't remember riding 200 something and we should go for bus #18 since it did say Lizhong Market which could have been where we wanted to go.

So just went along with her and FAILED. We rode past Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Mall and got off when we saw Ximending. Why was Bus #18 familiar? Because we took that back to our university from Ximending haha. It was a nice relaxing tour ride though =)

Took the MRT back to Gongguan to get to National Taiwan University. We took pictures of our reflection. There was this girl who felt completely awkward and started talking about us. Probably how weird we were or dumb haha.

Bubble Tea!

Best place ever for bubble tea. The boba is so soft and sweet. It's just amazing!

30NT = $0.95 =D Delicious

I managed to just buy one thing this night. A pair of black high heels for 300NT = $9.53. I was so proud of myself for buying one thing ^_^

Check out the expression of this group of people haha. I was taking shots of the area. Click on my all my pictures for a larger size.

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