Friday, May 7, 2010

The Flight & Day 1

The Early Morning

I arrived to the airport around 5:30AM and my flight didn't depart until 7:15AM. It was nice seeing the group going to China. Overall, the flight with Delta was pretty decent compared to my flight last year with United. The first stop was Memphis, Tennessee, it was a pointless stop. It took us about 1.5 hours and from there to LA, it was about 4 hours.

Fail #1

Theresa and I went through security in LA about 1.5 hours before our departure time. We went to exchange some currency first. But as we started walking away, we heard our names called through the speakers to meet at the gate immediately. We freaked out and started running towards it because on the screen, it said the flight was boarding but it wasn't even 3:00 and our departure was at 3:45.

We arrived to the desk out of breath. The flight attendant asked us, "Ni jiao shenme mingzi?" (What is your name?) I heard it, understood, but didn't know how to react haha. It was such a fail! I don't know why I was debating between my English and Chinese name. Theresa just handed her passport to her saying nothing, so I did the same and was breathing so hard. All she did was change our boarding pass since the flight was being operated by China Airlines instead of Delta. The flight attendant helping us and the other ones laughed at us when we left =(

But woohoo, I get to say my name was called in the speaker =)

China Airlines

I was so excited to ride on China Airlines and not Delta!

1. Scored really good seats! Instead of three seats next to each other, it was only two side by side without any other row in front of us. Extra leg room score!

2. It's China Airlines and it's Asian, not American.

3. China Airlines = Own individual TV = Games, Unreleased dvds, variety of music, shows, and more!

4. I had a cool table. Check this out haha.

It was an 18 hour ride. The first half wasn't too bad but towards the second half it got really uncomfortable sitting on the plane for so long. On the bright side, I was able to watch Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief, When in Rome, and Leap Year.

That was the flight pretty much =) Arrived in Taipei around 8:50pm.

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