Sunday, May 30, 2010

I love Chicken - Day 24 - May 29, 2010

Okay it's true, almost everything I do in Taipei is eat and shop. I can't help it! I've been told that I did almost everything last year when I study aboard. There isn't much things to do except maybe venture out of Taiwan. Unfortunately, I didn't bring enough money for that =(

The weather isn't on my side

81NT=$2.53 - Half strawberry yogurt and half mango yogurt with chocolate chips, cereal, and this fruit.

I was suppose to go Zhuwei today to rent a bike and bike around to a bridge and then to Danshui for some ice cream. But of course, it rained again! I went to Danshui anyway with Theresa to do some gift shopping and eat some frozen yogurt! I love frozen yogurt. My frozen yogurt was more expensive this time because I didn't know the yogurt was going to squirt out fast.

Amazing Chicken

So I went to this restaurant that was advertising a meal for 50NT=$1.56. You get to pick three side dishes and a piece of meat. You get free soup as well. Well I picked the fried chicken and it was just amazing. The skin/batter part was sooo crispy! It was so delicious. They put this seasoning on top and it just made everything 10x better. I chose really good side dishes too!

Chose bok choy, green beans, and skinny clear noodles for side dishes. But that chicken just topped everything!

Twiice Club

I think it's called Twiice Club. Well whatever it's called, it use to be called 9 Percent and I went there a couple times last summer. Unfortunately, the club sucks now! The music got so much lamer. They kept playing Lady Gaga and this one song of Pitbull like three times each! And of course they play more than one song of Lady Gaga. There are also an abundance of males at the club. Dislike! They are definitely creepers. But I still had a good time with Zack, Theresa, and Phil.

It was 500NT=$15.61 to get in for females with unlimited drinks. I got their sex on the beach and it wasn't very tasty =( It use to taste good. Never ever go to Twiice Club!

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