Wednesday, May 19, 2010

KFC -drools- - Day 14 - May 19, 2010

I'm craving for a lot of American food lately. So how do I fulfill it? KFC! As you can see the picture above, a lot of KFCs are multi-leveled. The KFC I went to is located in Ximending.

Their menu is a little different. They have Daan Tart (Egg Tart), french fries, and corn soup. There aren't any mashed potatoes, regular corn, or cole slaw. I was really hoping they sold mash potatoes here, but looks like corn soup is for the win in Taiwan.

2 Piece Hot Wings: 35NT=$1.12

These wings were so good! You can actually taste a little spicy in them. The wings are also juicy and flavorful. I think I like the chicken here better than the US.

Daan Tart (Egg Tart): 28NT=$0.89

The daan tart is pretty good! They also have two other flavors that I will try another time. One has custard in it and the other has brown syrup with mochi. The crust/dough part of it isn't too bad, it's more flaky than what you normally get at the Chinese bakeries, less sweet too.

I'm still hungry

I was on a mission after KFC. To find the lady selling pork with green pepper shish kabobs. They are absolutely mouthwatering. I had to wait for at least half an hour though because the cops were around Ximending. There are a lot of illegal street vendors at Ximending. When they see cops, all the street vendors pack up their stand and start running for it so they don't get fined. It's pretty funny to watch it. You'll see it happen everyday and more than once.


I didn't shop for anything in Ximen. I have been pretty good with resisting. I'll buy more stuff towards the end when I have leftover money =) Can't wait for that shopping spree! The next thing I did after Ximen was get some fruits at Shida Night Market, back to my hostel for a short rest, and to my first bar!

Roxy 99

On Wednesday night, you can get into Roxy 99 for free and receive two tickets for drinks before 9PM. I went to Roxy 99 with Theresa. We were both wearing flip flops and couldn't get the free drink tickets because they weren't nice shoes. What does Roxy 99 consider nice shoes? SNEAKERS! Seriously? That's not really "nice shoes" in the states unless you're a guy haha.

Here is the inside of the bar.

Roxy 99 is an alright bar. I can't really judge since this was the first bar I've been in. It took me about five minutes to realize that this was my first time in a bar haha. It was Theresa's first time too, so we had to take a picture like noobs.

I thought this was a cool glowy thing.

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