Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Once you shop, you just can't stop - Day 20 - May 25, 2010

I love it the feeling of exchanging money. Why? Because I feel rich in Taiwan haha. But it's not true of course. I just feel baller with a bunch of 1000 bills. Well the money I exchanged on Monday went bye bye in a span of two hours.

Let's start with lunch

At Shida, there is another student cafeteria (located on campus) that is similar to the one in the housing area. Except I think this particular one is a little more expensive. I should have taken pictures of the inside, but I keep forgetting. The cafeteria on campus has a mini grocery area as well.

Similar to the cafeteria in housing, it's somewhat of a pick and choose buffet. I had no idea what I was doing. The cafeteria ladies kept yelling what do you want, oh you need to take three kinds of vegetables. I had to tell the lady twice that I just wanted that chicken haha. I don't know if there was a deal or something but I needed my protein.

I ended up getting a chicken thigh, Asian vegetables, and Chinese squash. All the food here was kind of bland. But cheap =) 65NT=$2.04

After work, I tried to run a mile but my side started cramping a lot. I managed to run a lap with the side cramp, but had to stop afterward. I tried to walk a lap and start up again, but it kept hurting =(

Oven Roasted Chicken Breast: 69NT=$2.16

But the good news is after the "run", I got to eat some subway! The sub of the day here is super cheap! The only sad thing is you can't choose the type of cheese you want =( There is also a limited amount of vegetables and sauces. But the sauces (at least the honey mustard) tasted like the U.S.

I went to a really cheap shopping area called Wufenpu. This place is absolutely amazing and huge. You definitely need at least two days to get through the whole area because there are that many stores. I mean you could go through it in a day if you want to spend the whole day there. But for the most part, you will end up buying something from each store if you really search. The best part is you can bargain like crazy and I mean crazy! I bargained the price down from 150NT-90NT ($4.70-$2.82) for the things I bought with the help of Theresa.

Let's check out dinner first!

Shopping for four hours will make you hungry. Found a food stand with yummy looking food at a cheap price! The bowl of rice with side dishes was really good! There was an egg, pickled vegetable, pork, tofu, and some kind of dried thing that tasted sweet.

It's really fulfilling for 45NT=$1.41. They give you a lot of rice as well.

All the things I bought this night

I accidentally bought a lot of black colored clothing >_< I didn't notice I did that until towards the end. I couldn't help it! Black looks so nice! I'm done buying black clothes (unless they're simply irresistible) for now.


Two tops for 480NT=$15.05



I forgot how much this is. But I like the dress =)

I forgot how much this is =)


Forgot the price for this too haha.



More to come =D I am resisting though.

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