Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rice Burger & Shopping - Day 22 & 23 - May 27/28, 2010

Score! Exchange rate went from 31.89 to 32.04NT per dollar!

May 26, 2010: Carved Noodles

Have you ever seen carved noodles? The chef gets this big glob of dough and uses a flat sharp tool to carve the noodles. He then drops them into the boiling water to get cooked. I tried looking for a video but couldn't find it. It's pretty cool to see how fast he goes. But that's what I had for lunch today =) Stir fried carved noodles. The restaurant had a new addition to their restaurant, a new room.

I ordered Pork and Mushroom noodles, didn't see any mushrooms though... Maybe it's suppose to be mushroom sauce? But this had cabbage, pork, carrots, and whatever that black thing is. 90NT=$2.81

Kao Ya (Roast Duck)

I freaking love eating duck. It's so good. Each place I went to Taipei taste a little different and uses a difference sauce. This duck place near Shida Night Market tasted like the states. The thing that sucked though was there was a lot of bone and not much meat. But the side dishes were good!

80NT=$2.50 =) Side dishes include vegetables, skinny mushrooms, peppers with little fish, and this other mixture with carrots and celery.

May 27, 2010: Shopping Again at Wufenpu

Back to Wufenpu for shopping! You really do need a second day at least to shop (unless you shop for like 8 hours straight or something). I took two pictures at Wufenpu though. You can see there are a lot of stores. Those stores are pretty much like warehouses since they have so many clothes stored everywhere at their shop.

I didn't get too much this time. I was watching my spending this time =)

Each scarf was 100NT=$3.12


MOS Burger

I was finally able to try a rice burger! I saw it a couple years ago and wondered how it tasted like. I was kind of disappointed though =( The bun is made out of rice of course. I thought the rice bun was going to be crispy or something. It just tasted like ordinary rice stuck together. A rice burger pretty much taste like when you eat rice with side dishes, but for lazy people.

The pork tasted good though =) This rice burger also had lettuce and onions.
Shogayaki Burger: 60NT=$1.87

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