Sunday, May 16, 2010

I heart Danshui! - Day 10 - May 15, 2010

Guess what time I got up on this day? I got up at 2:15PM. It's been a long time since that happened! I didn't sleep until 4:30AM or so when I went clubbing to see Pitbull. It felt really good, I thought it was noon when I woke up to people's loud voices. But it's okay, I just fell back to sleep.

Lunch at 5PM

The sub-title says it, it was a late start on the day. But I start on the laundry before I got food. I was craving for some street vendors at Shida's Night Market, especially deep fried chicken or pork.

So I got deep fried chicken! I think it was around 42NT = $1.34. It was kind of dry though...

And tried a mini chicken burger. The flavor was mixed spice, it was pretty decent. 19NT=$0.61.


I originally planned to go to Danshui to watch the sunset, but since I started my day off late, I missed it. I'm planning on going there again another time. You can take the MRT to the end of the red line for Danshui. It's really worth it. They even offer boat rides (so get on the boat just in time to watch the sunset with a special someone ;) )

I love Danshui. The area is huge and it's a good place to try a lot of street vendors, buy souvenirs, and shop for clothes. I haven't been everywhere yet, but this trip was meant for souvenirs. Didn't get all the stuff I wanted because the shops changed. Danshui is also a good place for dates. There are always couples there.

Souvenirs you will find in most stores. They also customize and engrave things!

There are also claw machines and carnival type of games there (rigged of course).

The claw machines have the cutest stuff animals. At most places, it only cost 10NT=$0.32 per try. There are also workers there who will open the window and move the stuff animal back to the right spot. Some workers are nice and put it closer to the hole to let you win easily if you tried a couple times. If you end up spending a lot, they'll just give you the prize lol.

I really want this one!

You will also see a lot of street vendors grilling squid.

They also sell really tall ice cream for 10NT=$0.32.

Appearances are Deceiving

We all know appearances can be deceiving. Unfortunately, the same goes for food in Taiwan. I thought the baked potatoes and fries in these pictures looked amazing. It looks like it would taste good right? WRONG! FAIL it tasted blehhhh.

I ordered baked potatoes with cheese and "bacon bits." Instead of bacon bits, I got ghetto wanna be ham for 150NT=$4.79

And fries that looked nothing like the picture. They put ghetto spaghetti sauce with meat on top. It was ooky for 90NT=$2.87.

Desert was a better story. I was redeemed with hope of trying new things. FROZEN YOGURT! AMAZING!

Self served yogurt.

Self served toppings. There were 24 choices.

The cost goes by 40NT per KG or something like that. Mine ended up costing 51NT=$1.63.

Half of my frozen yogurt was mango and the other half was strawberry. I added some chocolate chips, pieces of watermelon, cereal, and a chocolate swirl thingy. YUM! I'm addicted to frozen yogurt now!

That was it for Day 10. I ended up staying up until 4AM again. I bought some souvenirs for my friends =) More to come later mwuahaha

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