Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pitbull is in Taipei? SAY WHAT? - Day 9 - May 14, 2010

You heard right! Pitbull was in Taipei! Why didn't I hear about this earlier? I found out the night of and at the exact time when he was holding a concert at Legacy. But before I get into that, let's start from the beginning.

I eat too much

I got hungry when I woke up, so I decided to get a Hanbao Jia Dan. It's a breakfast burger with a fried egg. Not sure what Jia means though haha. Wo de zhongwen hen bu hao (My Chinese is really bad). I went to the breakfast shop right by my hostel. Forgot to take a picture of the storefront, I was too hungry (as usual haha). What's in it? A fried egg, a fried hin meat patty (might be made out of pork), onions, and a tomatoes. The other breakfast place I went to last year puts chopped up cucumbers and sometimes corn. Every place varies, I prefer the chopped up cucumbers in it =)

20NT = $0.64. It was super cheap! The cheapest food I ever bought to get me pretty stuffed. The other breakfast place charges 30NT.

Lunch Break

Theresa wanted to try the student cafeteria again where it looks like a buffet, but you get charged for each side dish you choose. I was still pretty full so I only got Chinese sausage and a vegetable. There was soup too but it had no flavor. It just tasted like a hint of chicken broth with a lot of oil >_< The food in the student cafeteria is really oily overall. Ick.

39NT = $1.24

There is also a food mart in the cafeteria. I was craving for desert so I bought more! I forgot to take a picture of it though, wanted to open it so bad. And got distracted by Theresa wanting to take pictures of ourselves eating in the food mart haha. Basically, there's a table with stools where you can eat the stuff you bought from food mart (same with 7-Eleven and Hi-Life). What's even funnier is the location is so stalkerish. There's a window in front of you, so you can watch all the students eat. Why did I think of this? Because my friend Nha and I stalk each other (not for real, inside joke haha). So we find chances to mention stalking events to each other.

Bet the guy next to me felt awkward. A lot of students were looking at us taking pictures haha. We're such foreigners. I bought a chocolate cake for 25NT = $0.80. There was two layers and a white creme in between, it wasn't that good.

I can finally unpack!

About time! Moved into my permanent hostel room until I have to fly back to Michigan on July 1.

Positives: Larger room, own twin bed, flat screen tv (not big though) more shelf/drawer space.

Negatives: Bed is hard as a rock, longer time for steam to get out of the bathroom, and the shelf part above the sink is kind of icky.

The funniest negative

The funniest and suckiest part of this bedroom is the toilet. The toilet seat and cover are connected by a spring. What does this mean? the toilet seat is always up. If you try to put the seat cover down, it just springs up. So what you have to do is pull that toilet seat down and get your booty on top of it so it weighs it down. Then you can go about your business. But after you're done with your business, you have to remember to gradually get off the toilet seat and direct it to it's rightful up position. If you don't, you'll hear this loud bang. I made the loud bang yesterday hahaha.

Mongolian Grill

I returned to the Mongolian Grill at Shida's night market because I had a great experience last year. But this year was a different story.

The restaurant is packed as you can see.

The chefs cook right in front of you =)

The amount of flavor they put into the food changed. Taiwanese people like food to be less flavorful. Last year there was plenty of flavor, this year was really disappointing. I mostly tasted flavor at the very bottom layer of food.

I ordered chicken for 110NT=$3.51 and a bowl of rice for 10NT=$0.32. It's pretty expensive since you don't receive much. But you get free soup!

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Do you remember the green scarf in this movie? A store in Taipei named itself the green scarf. I'm pretty sure they did that because of the movie.

What the heck Pitbull?

Here's the story. I was planning on relaxing this night. But when I passed a restaurant, I saw a picture of Pitbull. I went up to the poster and saw he was going to be in Taipei! I was so excited. It was 8:50pm and the poster showed he was throwing a concert at Legacy at 9PM. It also said he was going to be at Spark 101 for the after party.

Knowing that, I decided to hit up Spark 101 to see him because it was too late to try to go to Legacy. Plus the tickets were sold out and it cost 1500NT = $47.88. My chances of seeing him at Spark 101 was higher at that time.

To get into Spark 101 that night (located in the basement of Taipei 101), it cost 800NT=$25.53. You also get two tickets for drinks. Was it worth it? Heck no because Pitbull didn't show up! The DJ announced that he would appear at 2AM. Instead, they brought out two "sexy" dancers at that time to stall. After they finished dancing, I saw one of the DJs mouthed out "where is he?", the other just shrugged and kept playing songs. Good thing Theresa, Dex, and I left at 3AM. I found out the next day from Mic that Pitbull left Taipei right after his concert. LAME!

Spark 101's dance floor was too small. They kept playing the same songs over and over. Maybe it's because they were expecting Pitbull to show up, but half the songs were lame. They played some techno and remixed songs that you can't really dance to. A lot of foreigners showed up for Pitbull though.

Spark is more of a sit back and relax lounge spot (if you pay for VIP seating) and spend a lot of money on drinks.

Interesting decorations at Spark.

It was packed!

This is one of the sexy dancers. They only danced for like 15 minutes. They weren't that great either haha. But whoa at what they're wearing!

I was so disappointed that he didn't show up since I spent a lot of money =( But I still had a good time with Theresa and new friend Dex =)

Fail 11

You know how I'm pretty clumsy? Well walking in Taipei 101 floors are kind of slippery with heels on. Especially trying to walk fast thinking there will be a lot of people waiting in line for Spark 101 (which there wasn't a long line), it was empty when we appeared early because that's what people usually do for celebrities! But not a lot of people in Taiwan know Pitbull I guess haha.

I slipped and fell on my left foot =( Luckily I didn't sprang my ankle but my feet killed afterward. I learned from my mother that I should always rub it after I sprang my ankles. So I decided to rub the area of my foot that was affected and it work! It still hurts to bend it a little but I was able to dance haha. I probably shouldn't have but I put less pressure on it =)

That's all for now! See ya soon!

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