Monday, May 10, 2010

I itch so well =\ - Day 5 - May 10, 2010

These mosquito bites are driving me crazy! I used this creme on the mosquito bites that my cousin gave me. It worked on two of them but the rest keep itching. I don't know why my skin is so complicated =(

But I didn't get any new bites today! Woot woot score -knock on wood-

First Day of Internship

The first day of the internship went smooth. The card machine that clocks in your time surprised me. I thought I had to push a button first but it was automatic. It amazed me. All I did the whole day was analyze the Mandarin Training Center website. Saw a youtube video of pictures from the study abroad last summer. It brought back so many memories! Link here:

I have two choices for a desk =) One work area and the other is if I want to get more interaction with students by directing them to the correct area.

Chicken & Almond Milk Tea

Went out to the chicken place that I often went to last summer. It's so good, especially for its' price. 95NT = $3.02. Located in Shida Night Market. If you sit down and eat at the restaurant, you can eat as much rice and soup as you want. You get your chicken, three side dishes, and dip. The three side dishes change everyday for the most part, sometimes you get lucky with the ones you really like. Today I wasn't so lucky. Ooky bean sprouts and weird tasting tofu with little sardine looking fishes thingy >_< Soup was tasty though!

The storefront.

Chicken =D

Bought an almond milk tea at the night market. I was really disappointed, it was too liquidy and not enough almond flavor. At least it was only 30NT.

The storefront.

Fail #8

You know how the bank closes around 5-6pm? Well in Taiwan they close at 3:30pm. We were 17 minutes too late because we decided to jog a mile after work (3PM). But our landlord came to the rescue!

We asked Mic if he knew other places to exchange money. Mic suggested the department store, but we would get less than what the bank exchanges. Then he asked us if we needed money and said he'll give us some. We said noooo because we only saw a couple hundred at first. But later baller Mic says he has a lot and whips out this big chunk of cash with a bunch of 1000 bills. We got to exchange money success!

Theresa got him to pose with all his money. Check out this baller organizing his bills nicely and waving them haha.

New Hostel Room

We had to move out of our old room and into a new one! It's pretty cute.

Shilin Night Market

I got bored on the MRT and took random shots.

Part of Shilin Night Market during the daytime. Didn't get a chance to take a picture of it at night and during its' busy time because it started raining hard.

Asian pizza thingy nom nom nom. 25NT = $0.79. You put different sauces on it and it's just amazing. It's pretty much fried dough or something with green onion. You can get it with a fried egg on it too. Soooo good.

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