Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New haircut, my head feels so much lighter! - Day 6 - May 11, 2010

Today was the day to get a new haircut! I originally planned to get my hair permmed straight, but it was pretty expensive. I rather go out with that extra $60. I look like a mom though =( I can't wait until it grows out the way I want it. I told the stylist to cut the front layer that length so when I go back the states it will be how I want it. I just have to endure it haha. But I didn't expect them to cut that much hair off the back of my head. Oh well, it's so much lighter and it'll be quicker to dry my hair =D

Let's start from the beginning.

It was the second day of work. I worked on the website all day pretty much. But I got to do something a little different. My supervisor asked me to come in a room where they were giving a presentation to two foreigners. They were from another university or school of some sort trying to see if MTC's program is good or not. I just shared my experience and answered their questions. I think it gave a more incentive to consider MTC hopefully =)

I went to the bank after work and the exchange rate went down from $31.48 to $31.33. LAME! I should probably keep track of exchange rates.

Burger King Sign

I thought this sign was pretty cute. You have to read it from right to left. The first sign says hungry, second sign says really hungry, and the third sign says extremely hungry. Notice how the burgers get bigger haha.

Oh yeah there's this cute little girl in the background. She must have told her mom that I was taking pictures (probably thought I was taking a picture of them) so a couple minutes later, you see them move to another table. I swear I am not a creeper lol.

I forgot to take a picture of my lunch because I was too hungry. I ate at the student's cafeteria down in the basement. There is this one area that looks like a buffet. You tell the worker which side dishes you want and they hand it to you. Well you know how at a buffet, you get a little of everything? I thought that's what they were going to do.

NOPE! They load that side dish on your plate. I got four types and when I sat down. Everyone else in that room had two side dishes to eat with rice. I felt like a pig haha. But comparing my plate to another guy, I ate more than him mwuahaha. It only cost me about 53NT = $1.66.

I did get a picture of my dinner! This picture isn't that great because I was hungry haha. I just started eating it as a walked..

Banh Mi from Gongguan night market. 50NT = $1.60. Super cheap, but alright tasting. It didn't have enough of the spread because the middle overpowered it. The veggies and meat were aligned equally either.

Fail #9

Went to V-Salon to get a haircut and a straight perm because their prices for a perm started at 1500NT = $47.88. But they were booked for the rest of the day so couldn't get my hair cut there. But it's okay because there was a better place!

Haircut at A Salon

I got my haircut in the Gongguan night market area at a place called A Salon. They cut really well and for cheap too! My haircut only cost 298NT = $9.51 (but it was a promotion offer).

The inside.

The best part about getting a haircut in Taiwan is they give you a neck/shoulder massage and a head massage when they wash your hair. It's part of the haircut price as well. It felt good! Except for the head part. They thumbed the front and just above my neck really hard. It hurt like hell =( I was tensing up apparently because they kept telling me to relax. They started laughing at me too. I think they thought I didn't understand any Chinese at all but they were wrong! -fist-

My hair stylist was really nice though. It was just that hair washer lady -fist-

Anyways here are two random shots of the place and my mommy looking hair cut >_< I got it this short on purpose so it'll be the way I like it (length and look wise) when I get back to the States. I just have to endure being a mommy for a while haha.

Check out how much hair I got cut off! It looks creepy haha.

On a brighter note, here is this cool looking machine. The loop makes a 360 degree circle around a person's head. I'm guessing it's somewhat of a perm machine? The girl in that picture is the hair washer! -fist-

That's all for now, I'll write again tomorrow about my day today!

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