Monday, May 31, 2010

I Got PLAYED! - Day 25 - May 30, 2010

I haven't told you the story about how I got played yet. This happened on the 28th or 29th. It's pretty much a fail, but worst since I got played!

Let's call this FAIL #15

Theresa and I taught our landlord Mic how to play the game and the meaning of getting played. We have been going back and forth playing the game. It's been probably about a week or a week and a half that time and I never heard him use getting played yet.

The night before my failed happened, I wrote the game on the bear balloon and left it in the community room of the hostel. He saw it of course haha. Then Mic left the computer and left facebook on. So I seized the chance to write the game pengyou (friend) and he saw it later and started laughing. When he was helping a guest, I hid a sticky note on the back of his cell phone. It said the game pengyou.

The next day I asked Mic if he saw the note that I left him last night.
Mic: No
Me: What? I put it there!
Mic: No I didn't see anything.
Me: Oh maybe it's still in the room.
Mic: Oh I have to ask you something.

So I followed Mic to where the washer and dryer was.
He shows me a sock and underwear, laughs and ask if it was mine. I told him nooo
So then he opens the dryer door and it was my sticky note that I left on his cellphone.

I went to Theresa and told him what he did because that was good haha. I asked him if he knew the sock and underwear wasn't mine. He says, "Oh yeah I know. I play you hahaha."

There it is. I got played BAD! FAIL

Pizza Hut in Taiwan

I couldn't resist getting Pizza Hut again for lunch. I woke up at 2:30pm on this day (Sunday), showered, and ordered a personal pizza =) I was suppose to go to the hot springs, but of course, Taipei doesn't seem to want me to go bike riding or hot springs on the weekend. I wanted to try this new pizza that they're currently offering at Pizza Hut. But they don't make them for personal =( At least it doesn't say on the menu. It's okay, I love Kimchi and Pork pizza!

Personal Kimchi & Pork: 99NT =$3.09 Added stuffed crust for 20NT=$0.62

Do you know the limited offer in the states of Cheesy Bites? The offer usually appears during the summer for a month and disappears. It's basically pieces of crust stuffed with cheese that you can easily tear off the pizza. It's so good! If you wanted to add that on for your personal, it would be 30NT=$0.94. I should have done that since they don't offer it in the states year around and I think it tastes soooo goood.

I love cheap tasty dinners!

I ate at a little restaurant that's close to Shida. It's hidden at some alley with a couple of other restaurants and shops. I always forget to take a picture of the store front >_< All their dishes are cheap though and they give so much! Check it out...

I love my jipai (chicken breast), especially when they deep fry it! You get free soup at the restaurant too. This meal was 50NT=$1.56. The side dishes includes: tofu, cabbage, and vegetable that I don't know the name of.


I spent the rest of my evening at Taipei Main Station's underground mall looking for souvenirs to get for my friends. As usual, there is always a hot spot of men/boys staring the TV screen. I decided to join them haha =)

7-Eleven Food

I eat a lot. I can't help it. I was craving for munchies at night. I decided to try the jiaozis (dumplings) at 7-Eleven. They were 35NT=$1.09. Might as well give it a shot!

It was alright tasting, not the best of course, but a good snack. There are ten dumplings by the way, I just forgot to take a picture before hand =)

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