Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Let's start shopping - Day 18 & Day 19 - May 23/24, 2010

May 23, 2010

I woke up late as usual on a weekend. I stayed up until 6AM and woke up at 3PM. It felt GOOD. I just couldn't sleep! So what happens when I wake up really late? I take a shower and find food. But I'm too lazy to walk to the night market (even though that takes 10 minutes) I rather walk to 7-Eleven that's a minute away for lunch.

Sandwich 35NT=$1.12. Half the sandwich was regular ham, cucumbers and mayo. The other half was the same but with smoked ham (at least it tasted like it). It was yums! Wish they had cheese in it though.

Triangle Rice Ball was 18NT=$0.57. It was pretty good and fulfilling. The meat had a lot of flavor.

After lunch was done, I went to visit my landlord Mic's new clothing store. It's located near the Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT stop on the blue line. I didn't take a picture of the store though. There was a lot of people, would have felt awkward haha.

Can't go wrong with chicken

This is the meal I usually get if I want something pretty healthy or get my rice intake of the day. I enjoyed their side dishes that night =) Noodles (w/ bean sprouts ew), green beans, and tofu!

I was also craving for snacks. Decided to buy the coconut cookie. I love it so much! It's a little more expensive here though.

I think it was about 45NT=$1.41. It tastes exactly how it's suppose to =)

May 24, 2010

I couldn't sleep until 3AM last night. Getting up 9AM is a pain! I can't believe I woke up at 8AM during the school year everyday >_< I ate lunch in the student cafeteria, got the same Chinese sausage and a different vegetable. The food wasn't as oily as it normally was =)

I also went to the bank to exchange some money. The exchange rate went up! It was 31.33NT per $1USD, now it's 31.89NT! Woot woot! The cents to make a difference!


I went to Ximen with Theresa to shop for some clubbing clothes and other things. I had really good luck finding some stuff. But let's start off with food, I love eating at places in Ximen =)

First tried this oyster noodle thing. It was pretty good, but it got too seafoody for me. The meat stuff in there was good as well. 45NT=$1.41

This small bowl didn't fill me up at all. Which was a good thing because I wanted some deep fried chicken!

A small bag for 55NT=$1.72. It was very tasty =) loved it1

On the way back, stumbled upon a clown making things out of the balloon. I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl. But the clown made a flower for the boy. The clown told the boy that he should give it to the girl. The clown even hummed the wedding bell songs. It was entertaining and cute. Then the clown spotted Theresa and I and told us to come. So I just went up there and the clown made me a little bear =)

The red bear is now chilling in the living room of my hostel greeting people.

I love shopping

So for some reason, I got really lucky with finding things I wanted. I was doing so well not buying a lot of clothes. I lasted for two weeks and I caved in. These are the things I bought. The only thing I didn't take a picture of were my jeans. I got a pair of jeans for 900NT=$28.22. The store that I got it from even altered my jeans for me for free =) It only took five minutes too, they did a great job.

I really liked the stores I went to. The workers were really friendly. I bought a top at one person's stand. She knew some English and was pretty good at working the customers. She thought Theresa and I were noobs! Theresa wanted a belt that was 390NT. So she told us she would give us a 10% discount that came to 351NT. But since we were foreigners, she would sell it to Theresa for 300NT. But most people just say 300NT if an item was 390NT. So it wasn't new to us. But I give her props!

Two pieces together for 450NT=$14.11.

The new style in Taiwan is to wear the zipper in the front. I put this on top of my clothes in front of the mirror (since you're not allowed to try on tops) to see how it would look like. The worker said I had it on backwards, but putting the "back" as the front looked a lot better.

This top/dress was only 390NT=$12.23! And I can't fit it =( Giving it away to my roomie or my cousins if she can't fit it either.

Belt for 200NT=$6.27

That's all for today! Wait until you see the other clothes I got from today (May 25). =)

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