Friday, June 11, 2010

Sick =( - Day 34 & 35 - June 08 & 09, 2010

June 08, 2010

I woke up feeling really drowsy and ooky because of the cold I caught last week. It was still lingering this day and I even called in sick from work. But after I had more sleep and ate, I felt better. So during the evening I decided to shop around for a bit.

Let's start with the things I ate!


I went to the student cafeteria since I knew they had rice porridge there. I was planning on getting it until I saw how chunky it was. I usually like my porridge pretty thin, so I decided on rice instead.

Pieces of fried pork with shredded onions, carrots, and cabbage. There is also mayo and a taste of curry for 40NT=$1.25

One of the things I got for dinner at Gongguan was this sandwich. I forgot what I ate before hand because I must have taken a picture of it a while ago. This was good! I was actually searching for this food stand because I saw other people ordered it and it smelled good! This was probably my fifth time trying to find the guy with the stand. So far, we know he appears on Tuesday evenings haha.

What is this? Is this a skirt or a top?


Think about it...

If you guessed top, you're right!

If you guessed skirt, don't worry, I thought the same. I went in the trying room to try it on. I came out with it as a skirt and I thought it looked good. Then the lady told me it was actually for the top. I felt so stupid. But then she said but wearing it as a skirt is okay too! So I still bought it haha.


I've been needing a new white zip up! The hood is really weird though. 200NT=$6.26

I am officially done buying shoes. I don't want my suitcase to be overweight >_<



June 09, 2010


I was pretty lazy for lunch so I ate some instant noodles that I bought when I first came to Taipei. The instant noodles taste decent, it's not something I would buy a huge box of.

Dinner + Fail #22

Was suppose to eat at this restaurant that sold a huge meal for 50NT=$1.55, but they closed at 8:30pm! No clue it was going to close that early. Ended up going to a Vietnamese restaurant nearby.

Fail #23


I ordered the fried spring rolls thinking there was going to be more than just lettuce and spring rolls. I thought there was going to be noodles in there or something. But it was just lettuce and spring rolls =( I was still hungry... The spring rolls weren't that great either, it was over fried and needed more flavor. The fish sauce was okay too. Definitely not worth it.

Fail #24

I was planning to try their Banh Mi as well, but they sold out =( I was hungry while walking to Gongguan night market!

Gongguan Night Market

I got bored and started taking random pictures.

How a typical store looks like. The first picture is a shoe store and the other deals with socks, panties, stockings, etc.

To help fill my tummy I bought this for 40NT=$1.25! It was tasty =)

I got a little bit of everything they offered. I think it was shredded pork, a pork with the thick skin on it, pickled vegetable, clinatro, and spoonful of sugar and grounded peanut spread throughout.

Last Note: Exchange rate increased! 1 USD = 32.22 TWD =D SCORE!

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