Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I like to eat giant jipais - Day 41 - June 15, 2010

Mosquito Bites of the Day: 6
Total: 17

It's been a while since I got mosquito bites. I woke up with four bites and got my fifth one when I went to Shilin Night Market =( One on my face, one on my left arm, two on my right, one on my right index finger, and one on my ankle (from Shilin) -_-

Giant Jipai at Shilin

I went to the Shilin Night Market to eat my giant jipai! There is always a long line to get one of these babies.


Do you see the size of that big? It's seriously the size of that big. It's HUGE. It's actually good, but I got tired of it once I finished a little over a half. It got salty and oily for me. It fills you up pretty up too.

This is a picture of a typical fresh fruit and vegetable stand. I got bored while standing in line.



I went to Ximen after the Shilin Night Market so Theresa can get her ear pierced. I found a drink place that had Almond Milk Tea! I've been looking for a place that has this and it tasted pretty good! The one I tried at Shida tasted like crap >_<

I also bought two tops for the winter since I don't have many winter clothes. I couldn't find any other colors that looked good aside from gray -_-



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