Saturday, June 19, 2010

Shaved Ice Goodness - Day 43 - June 17, 2010

50NT Meals

I love 50NT=$1.55 meals. You get so much for so little and they taste good! I still get amazed from how much they give. The first 50NT restaurant I went to was in Danshui. I spotted one behind Shida and wanted to give it a shot =)

There are some combination where you pay more than 50NT, but that's if you choose a bigger meat or something more expensive like fish.

I love this fried chicken, it's so crispy and good! I love the seasoning they put on it, I'm not really sure what it is, but if I see it in the groceries, I'll definitely bring a bottle back! The eggplant was also amazing. They don't give you much of it though =(

I went to the Shilin Night Market for some shaved ice. I remembered it was really good at Shilin when I went last year. What is shaved ice? It's basically shaved ice with fruits on top and with condensed milk all over the fruits. The condensed milk eventually sinks to the ice. Some shops add a little condensed milk in the shaved ice to make it even better tasting. This shop did, at least it tasted like it!


The owner was kind enough to take off 10NT because Theresa is allergic to mango and she didn't have many strawberries. Strawberries aren't in season at this time. There's also pineapple and kiwi. Amazingly good, must go back for more!


Look at this Holiday KTV! I been to Shilin so many times and never looked up to see what was right in front of me. A huge KTV building. I even walk around this building and under it, but didn't know there was a KTV. I think I did the same thing last year as well where I discovered it towards the end of my trip.

Here is a view that the Shilin MRT station provides...

And the inside of the MRT if you ever wonder how one looks like.

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