Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dragon Boat Festival - Day 46 - June 20, 2010

Mosquito Bites of the day: 2
Total: 25

Xindian: Dragon Boat Festival

Today was the last day for the dragon boat festival celebration. The best part about today was it was actually sunny! It was the first time I woke up at 7:30AM on the weekend and actually went somewhere. The festival started at 9AM, so I left by 8AM to get there on time. This was also the first time for me in Xindian. I think the scenery in Xindian is really pretty.

I like this.

As usual, there is an area with many food stands for you to try and get full! The food stands had better choices than the other day I attended. They even have a little Taiwan Beer truck!

The Dragon Boat Festival also has a stage with various performers. Some demonstrated tai chi, dances, and cheerleading. The lady in the red was very into the dance performance haha. It looked like she was the choreographer and was reliving her young days by directing this group.

I got these guys doing some stretches. I couldn't help but smile, some of them looked funny. Especially the one where you stick out your torso and move it around in a circle.

There were plenty of spots to sit in and soak your feet in the water. I did that the whole time I was there and it kept me really cool. If my feet weren't in the cool water, I just started sweating like no other. It was so hot this day! I even got sun burnt =(

Oh I ate this breakfast sandwich. It's pretty much a chicken sandwich with egg and vegetables such as corn and lettuce in it.

This is the area where people get ready into their dragon boats to start the next race.

Dragon boat!

During my time at Xindian, Theresa and I explored a little part of the area. There was a man selling balloons. I really wanted one!

There were a lot of different shops and food stands open at this time for potential business. There aren't this many on other days.

I also walked over the bridge to take some other shots =)

There is also a tented area with more food shops. It's more expensive than the food stands. They offer you seating and water mist that sprays frequently to cool you down =) The food looked good here!

That's all for the Xindian pictures. You could always look at more on my Facebook albums =)

Gold Man

The rest of the day was spent resting at my hostel and napping. I also went to Gongguan Night Market to show Brenda and Roger around. We ran into Gold Man!

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