Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm not baller enough - Day 36 - June 10, 2010

Being sick sucks, I still have my cold and it's not really going away. I got bored while waiting for Theresa to run her mile, so I took pictures of the track at Shida. I decided to listen to Mitch and not run so I can get better. It's kind of working! But I'm walking around a lot, shopping a lot, so it's not really helping haha. Whoops.

I got this for free from work. They wrap it in a banana leaf and steam it. Inside the rice is a salted egg yolk, beans, mushroom, and meat. It was good!

Fail #25

Theresa found locations of MAC stands in Taipei. I was so prepared to purchase some products. I even looked online and converted the prices in Taiwanese dollars to make sure I can get it cheaper in Taiwan. Especially since Taiwan does not charge tax.

We went to the Shin Kong Mitsukoishi Department Store. Well, it turns out that each product is a couple dollars more than what you can get in the states. I was so sad, I really wanted to buy a fluid line and eye shadows!

Then to top it all off, it was at a baller mall of course. So I couldn't buy anything else. I'm not baller enough, not even baller enough to buy their food haha. Well I mean I could buy it but I'm not spending that much!

On the other side of the street are cheaper stores. These are the stores I can afford! Daiso sells everything for 39NT=$1.21. I went in there but I didn't get anything haha. I did go to a different store to buy some strawberry Hi-Chews. I spent 80NT=$2.48 and got two free black tea drinks! Score! I should have taken a picture of my success, forgot though =(

Sterling Silver for 420NT=$13.04

I did buy a pinky ring at an accessory store!

Fail #26: Shaved Ice

I actually failed a couple of times with shaved ice, but I'll just mix it all in one big fail. I haven't had shaved ice since this day. Shaved ice is amazing. It's basically shaved ice with fruit and condensed milk on top. It's really good, if you're even in Taiwan, you have to try shaved ice! Well Theresa and I went to two different restaurants and they both didn't have strawberry. We even went to a milk tea shop to copy the characters of taro. We showed one restaurant it and they showed us something that didn't look like taro o_O

We also saw what looked like coconut jelly (but it was almond). We were going to get that and something else but they told us it couldn't be done or it would be weird. We felt stupid so we just left that place haha.

So we ended up at this restaurant. We saw almond jelly and flan. We tried to get strawberry shaved ice, but the place was out of strawberries. They told us they had watermelon though so that's a win! Then we asked them if we can put almond jelly and flan with it too, but they told us we couldn't. They probably thought we were weird and stupid people to try that combination haha =(


The watermelon was sweet, but there wasn't enough condensed milk. The condensed milk also sank to the bottom fast =( The restaurant also added a tea flavor in the ice, it was okay... I had better at Shilin.

Check out this sleepy head

I really couldn't help myself.

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