Sunday, June 6, 2010

I can't read Chicken - Day 31 - June 5, 2010

Taipei Main Station Underground Mall (Y)

I went to the Taipei Main Station underground mall. There are four different underground malls. The one I went to this day was the letter Y. I forgot what it's actually called, but the letters are a lot easier to remember. The stores here sell clothes, shoes, games, accessories, and cute item stuff. There is always an area for the restaurants =) My favorite spot of course!

There are also areas with open space where a lot of the younger crowd come and practice dancing.

Fail #18

I revisited an old restaurant that I went to last year. As you can see, the menu is posted near the ceiling in Chinese. Yeah I can't really read much. So I took a picture of what I wanted. I ordered the item with the green background. I wasn't super hungry, but wasn't completely full and wanted to try something small. Well turns out what I ordered was jiroufan, which is chicken meat with rice. I couldn't even read chicken.

The food wasn't that good... it was basically pieces of boiled chicken with a sauce. Why is this a fail? Because I couldn't read chicken >_< How can I not remember chicken? At least I knew the character for meat haha.


Shida Night Market

The underground malls at Taipei Main Station starts to close around 9pm. The night is still young. So Theresa and I went to Shida night market to look around since we haven't really done that since we got here. Only because it's so close to our hostel. I ended up buying a lot of stuff. I didn't think I would buy anything there. But I did at great prices =)


I love two for one deals =) 150NT=$4.69


Got a purple version as well for 100NT=$3.13


Hot Dog

I was craving for a hot dog so I went to 7-Eleven to get one at 1AM. It was actually on sale, lucky me! The hot dogs here taste a little sweeter. The condiments are also different. Ketchup, mustard, and relish are asianfied. Which means...

Ketchup=not as tomatoey, light taste with sweetness.
Mustard=Honey mustard tasting
Relish=not pickle sour, but Asian pickled sauce taste.

Actual hot dog: 11NT=$0.34 Bun: 10NT=$0.32

It still satisfied my cravings. It tasted pretty decent. There was also cheese inside the hot dog, but I didn't hit that until halfway. Wish I had onions to go with it =(

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