Sunday, June 6, 2010

More Good Finds - Day 30 - June 4, 2010

Someone tried to jack my flash drive!

The story I am about to tell you happened to me the day before this I believe. I think it was a Thursday then. I forgot to write it in my previous blog. But here is what happened...

I was in the computer lab during work and used my flash drive. I left for lunch and returned to the lab to work. I saw someone using the computer I used, so I went to the computer behind it. I went into my backpack to look for my flash drive and didn't see it. I realized I must have left it at the old computer.

Luckily, I spotted my flash drive still in the previous computer. There was someone sitting there, but I went over there anyway and just grabbed my flash drive. I plugged my flash drive into my computer and saw the other guy put his flash drive in. I thought he may have believed he couldn't use the USB spot since someone else's flash drive was already plugged in.

Well turns out he was going to jack my flash drive! I looked at what was in my flash drive and there was Vietnamese music already in there. He put in 235 songs! That punk wasn't even going to turn my flash drive in to the front desk. But whatever, I didn't care since my Books folder was still there. I went in my Books folder and saw he erased everything! That bitch was going to jack my flash drive and he already deleted all my files. I'm glad I didn't say anything like excuse me to him before I grabbed my flash drive.

That incident got me a little hyped for 15 minutes. It woke me up from my food coma though!

Exchange Rate went down =(

I also went to exchange money. The exchange rate went from $32.04 to #31.95. A slight change but it still makes a difference =(


I went to Ximen to buy some Dragon Ball Z figurines for my friend. I also tried Mister Donut! I heard a lot of good things about Mister Donut and finally had room in my stomach to fit some in. But I didn't really pick a good donut =( Mine was a chewy donut, not much of a fan for that.

35NT=$1.09 - I wouldn't get this again.

Shilin Night Market

I went to Shilin night market after since Theresa really wanted to hunt for her dog tags. We also wanted to stay out as long as we could since we weren't going to bed until late today =)

Found a cheaper roubao (meat bun) for 10NT=$0.31.

Look how big they are! Domo!

What I bought


Yay boots for 850NT=$26.53

Fail #17

The best thing about living at our hostel is there is no curfew. So keeping that in mind, Theresa and I thought we can stay out as long as we want. This is true, but we also forgot that the buses and MRT has a curfew.

We were heading back to the MRT and saw that it was CLOSED. I asked two girls what time it was (since none of us had our cellphone on us) and she told me 1AM. So my guess is the MRT stops running around midnight.


Shilin Night Market is pretty far from our hostel. So we decided to follow the MRT tracks as much as we can to get back to our hostel. But we reached a dead end and the only road we can follow was a highway. However, there weren't any sidewalks on the highway.

We ended up taking a taxi home that cost us 200NT=$6.26. Taxi here charges by time and in a combination of speed. We didn't want to spend extra cash =( So we told the taxi driver to drop us off at Shida Night Market and walked the rest of the way to our hostel.

So sad, we were so happy with what we bought, then got sad with what we spent for the ride back.

Oh well, lesson learned haha.

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