Monday, June 14, 2010

Dragon Boat Festival - Day 37 & Day 38 - June 11 & 12, 2010

June 11, 2010

I actually didn't do much this day. I had my usual routine, wake up, go to work, eat lunch, and rest a bit. I did take a picture from the sixth floor bathroom while waiting for Theresa to get ready to work out. I didn't work out that day since I still have my cold and it was raining. Not a good combo. The building here is the NTNU extension. It was where I stayed last year when I participated in the study abroad program. They usually have visitors and professors staying there temporary. The NTNU also has a separate Mandarin Summer Camp.

I was craving for some piggy for lunch! 85NT=$2.64

I went to Danshui but left early since all the shops were closing. I was really excited for my dinner, but it didn't taste the same like last week. The chicken was undercooked =( It wasn't as crispy and my meat was pretty pink =(

50NT=$1.55 meal

It was also a rainy day by the way. After that, headed onto Shilin Night Market since the night was still young. The picture shows a partial crowd. It's really crowded at the Shilin Night Market. It takes forever to get through sometimes if you can't find an opening and try to pass those slow walkers. Surprisingly I only bought one top at Shilin =)


June 12, 2010

Today was one of the celebrations of the Dragon Boat Festival. This took place at the Riverside Park. It starts pretty early too, I think it started around 9AM or something but I didn't get there until 11AM. There were still races going on. What is the Dragon Boat Festival? Well from what I know, the official holiday is actually this coming Wednesday and a lot of people are off from work that day

There are groups of people who will form a team to represent their school, company, group, and etc. to participate in the dragon boat races. As you can see in the pictures, it's this long boat where each person has to work together to stroke at the same time. There are different races. There are men's, women's, and mixed team races.

Around the area are tents for each team. There are also other tents where people are trying to sell products. I saw two tents were giving away free stuff. If I lived in Taipei, I would be all over that. But I didn't stand in line for anything because I wouldn't take it back to the states. Well I did stand in line for this one tent where you had to play a game to win something, but they closed off the line. Theresa and I stood behind this sign (that said end of line or something in Chinese) and we had no clue until the man holding the sign said something to us a couple of times. But other than that, the best part are the food tents of course since I love to eat =D

I did try one thing while I was there. It was a potato/radish cake. They have this at Dim Sum (also known as lo bok go) but Dim Sum tasted so much better. This radish cake thing is fried. They put some sauces on it that made it a little sogy. I like mine crispy =) But it was alright tasting! It filled me up =)



There are a bunch of SOGO Malls throughout Taipei. The one I went to was close by Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT Station. I went with Theresa so she can find some discontinued MAC eye shadows. I didn't take pictures of the inside since I already did before. But got a picture of one of the buildings of SOGO and another building shot of something random. The MAC at this SOGO sucked! They didn't have many eye shadows at all. In fact, they had duplicates of the same shade, some of them went up to three. The workers there also didn't really know much about makeup or what they're doing because they'll say, "Oh all of them will look good." That's not very specific.

Later On...

I got back to my hostel around 2PM or so. What did I do? Stay online for a bit and took a nap after! It felt good. I think I only napped for about an hour though. Started the evening at Wufenpu and found myself a business jacket! I've been looking everywhere for one.

I also bought a mochi =) Yum yum, it's a desert that's made out of a sweet flower with grounded sugar/peanuts in the inside (mochi varies) and more grounded peanuts on the outside. I can't eat many of these, they fill you up like no other.


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