Saturday, June 26, 2010

Let's go to kKk - Day 44 - June 18, 2010

It's been so long since I wrote a blog! I apologize!
I've been out pretty late, coming back, and knocking out when I get back since I had to get up early this past week. You'll know why when I continue my blog!


My supervisor gave me some snacks to try when I met up with her for work. The first picture's box looks pretty right? Inside there is a pineapple cake. This is probably the best brand of pineapple cake I tried. They're pretty pricey though! I saw a pack that sold each one for 15NT=$0.47. The second snack is from Japan. It had a weird texture to it, like really smooth but grainy to me at least. It was too sweet for me though.

What noodles?


I read on the English translated menu that this was Pork wontons with noodles in soup. There was only five strands of skinny clear noodles. Wow lol, what lies! It tasted good though. I enjoyed the broth as well =) This bowl also had a lot of onions in there as well.


I always enjoy looking at the huge advertisements at Ximen. Look at the second picture! Go go power rangers!

Theresa and I were craving for desert. We decided to split this strawberry ice thing. I wouldn't know what you would call it. It taste like water ice, but a little bit more frozen. It was really good, but it got really sweet after you eat half of it. It's definitely something you want to get to share.


No not really, I'm talking about a store called kKk haha. It's a shoe store in Ximen.

Apparently they have a sister store. This kKk wants you to JUST WEAR IT!

I passed the Modern Toilet restaurant that I ate last year. It's a toilet/bathroom themed restaurant where your food served on toilets, squatting toilets, sinks, etc. The food wasn't good there and it was expensive.

Last Purchases

My shopping has come to an end since my days in Taiwan are limited. I can no longer splurge. These are my last purchases of the trip, at least I think so haha unless I have extra money towards the end.


The smallest business shoes that I shall try out.


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