Thursday, June 10, 2010

Craving for Fried Rice - Day 33 - June 07, 2010

What do I when I crave food?

I go out and buy that food to fulfill my craving! That's what I did when I went to Shilin Night Market =D When I was browsing for food at the Shilin Market with Theresa last week, I saw a lot of stands that offered fried rice and wondered if it would taste good since I never had fried rice in Taiwan.

The restaurant stand that I ate at.

They provide a seating area.

My fried rice for 90NT=$2.81! It didn't fill me up all the way but it was mighty tasty =)

Fail #21


I always wanted a stripe top like this, either gray and black or white and black. Well i thought this top was loose enough because that's the way I wanted. Unfortunately it's not as loose as the way I like it =( FAIL. But it still looks pretty good... ish... I'll make it work somehow!

Other things that I bought

Skinny jeans for 390NT=$12.21

All the bangles for 100NT=$3.13 =D


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