Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting sick in Taipei =( - Day 27 to 29 - June 1-3, 2010

I have been feeling exhausted lately. My legs seriously have no rest here since I do so much walking each day and then go out clubbing on Saturday night. Then the lack of sleep I get during the weekdays because I'm so use to staying up late over the weekend. This blog is mostly going to be about food.

I haven't gone to many places except for Gongguan to do a little shopping and eating during these three days. Not to mention that I got sick on Wednesday =( I woke up with a really dry throat. Then my nose started to run later on the day so I went to get some medicine. I haven't gotten full blown sick (hopefully that won't happen), but my throat stopped feeling dry. Right now it's kind of itchy and I cough here and there. But the nose stopped running! That's a good sign =) There's a lot of other people here in Taipei that are getting sick. I see them wearing masks.

Day 27

Lunch was at the student cafeteria. I wanted to try their jipai. It wasn't too bad, it just tasted cheap because it was cheap. But it's so much better than eating the stuff at Grand Valley. The green vegetables is Chinese broccoli.


Fail #16

Dinner was at Gongguan Night Market. I was trying to find this man's food stand. It looked like he was making an almost Philly Cheesesteak without the cheese. I saw some other guys eating it and it smelled so good! But he wasn't there on Monday or Tuesday =( I think he disappeared. He may have been an illegal vendor haha.

So I got this instead for 50NT=$1.56. It's Chinese sausage with onions, cilantro, and garlic cloves in a sticky rice wrap. It tasted pretty good, but there too many garlic cloves so the garlic overpowered the rest of the food.

Day 28

To help ease my throat, I went to get some hand shaved noodles in soup at Shida Night Market. It felt so good =) The one ordered had noodles, pork meat, and wontons. It was really good.


Day 29

Since I was still feeling sick this day. I went to get some congee/rice soup/rice porridge. This is rice boiled until soft. I usually eat this when I'm sick since it's warm and doesn't make my throat too itchy. The place I went to was a restaurant behind Shida. They sell dumplings, xiao long bao, noodle dishes, and more.

Their congee tasted pretty good. It was thicker than what I wanted. But I was surprised when they put pieces of fried dough (I love that) and preserved eggs. I thought there was only going to be pork in it and of course, the usual green onions.

Shredded Pork Congee for 60NT=$1.87 and Crispy Onion Cake for 30NT=$0.94

Shilin Night Market

I went to have dinner at the Shilin Market near the night market. There were a lot of tourists that day. Shilin Market is basically an open building with a bunch of food stand areas. A lot of the stuff is cheap, but some can get pricey depending on what products they sell. Some places sell pineapple cake, oyster with egg, crab and fish dishes, and there is even a Mongolian grill. I went to a stand that seemed like it was popular and cheap!

This was 50NT=$1.56 with vegetables and wonton. The wonton was extremely flavorful and good. I'm not sure what sauce was in the noodles. But it tasted a little bit like peanuts and sesame oil. It seemed really sweet and salty at the same time, but I was sick so -shrugs-

Hehe 10NT=$0.31 deep friend chicken wing!

Check out this promotion technique for Converses. It definitely grabbed my attention haha.

Ties & Boots

I bought ties for Mitch =) They were only 100NT=$3.12. What's neat about these is you don't have to tie. No you don't pin them on. This is a zipper tie where you tug the loop to make it looser or tighter.

Front, Back, and side view. I bargained the price down from 980NT=$30.59 to 850NT=$26.53. I love being able to bargain at night markets =) I should have tried 800, but I didn't even think they were going to let me buy it for 850.

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