Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I love food too much - Day 39 & Day 40 - June 13 & 14, 2010

June 13, 2010

Kim chi & pork: 99NT=$3.07 Cheesy Bite Add-on: 30NT=$0.93

I enjoy weekends because I have all the time in the world for lunch. What does that mean? I order pizza hut! I love pizza for lunch. So delicious. I got my usual Kim Chi & pork pizza since that's the only personal pizza that sounds good to me. The rest of the personal pizza are usually seafood topping or similar to American style pizza. I also added cheesy bites =) I wished I had more of the middle part and not so much of the cheesy bites. It was still good though!

I didn't do much for the rest of the day except went to Gongguan Night Market and Shida Night Market since they're close by. Rainy days make me lazy. But here's my dinner!

Zhupai! (Deep fried pork) The plate was huge! Didn't like the tofu with salted fish. 65NT=$2.02

I did buy one thing though. A pair of shorts from Shida Night Market. Finally found a pair of shorts without weird stuff on the front and back pockets.


June 14, 2010


The student cafeteria is starting to grow on me. Mainly so I can eat Chinese sausage haha. I love Chinese sausage, it's not as good as my parent's but it's still yummy! I was really excited to get that and some greens but they didn't have my greens! I had to get these beans instead that was super salty. They brought the greens out about ten minutes after I paid for my food =(

Spicy Chicken Breast: 44NT==$1.37 Daan Tart (Egg Tart) with Mochi: 31NT=$0.96

You bet your butt this was good. I was surprised the egg tart with mochi was good as well. I love KFC chicken here <3


Ximen are filled with illegal stands. They run when they see cops. It's funny. The cops came walking around so many times. The cops don't even do much, they just walk and the stands relocate themselves and hide. Then they come out with the cops disappear. It was a bad night for them, the cops were loitering around for a while.

A jean shop.

Ay Chung Noodle Shop

Apparently Ay Chung Noodle Shop is really popular. They're famous for their really thin flour rice noodle. There is always a huge line for these noodles (the line is fast though). I've been wanting to check this place out to see what it's all about. To my surprise, I was kind of disappointed. Maybe it's because I'm an Asian American or something but legit Asian people here love this shop.

A small bowl size for 45NT=$1.40. There is cilantro and thick chicken skin or something with the noodles. It tasted alright, not something I'll get again.

My new uber hat!


Check it out! It has a mouth haha. my new uber hat! Buying this hat made my day.

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