Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dragon Boat Festival - Day 46 - June 20, 2010

Mosquito Bites of the day: 2
Total: 25

Xindian: Dragon Boat Festival

Today was the last day for the dragon boat festival celebration. The best part about today was it was actually sunny! It was the first time I woke up at 7:30AM on the weekend and actually went somewhere. The festival started at 9AM, so I left by 8AM to get there on time. This was also the first time for me in Xindian. I think the scenery in Xindian is really pretty.

I like this.

As usual, there is an area with many food stands for you to try and get full! The food stands had better choices than the other day I attended. They even have a little Taiwan Beer truck!

The Dragon Boat Festival also has a stage with various performers. Some demonstrated tai chi, dances, and cheerleading. The lady in the red was very into the dance performance haha. It looked like she was the choreographer and was reliving her young days by directing this group.

I got these guys doing some stretches. I couldn't help but smile, some of them looked funny. Especially the one where you stick out your torso and move it around in a circle.

There were plenty of spots to sit in and soak your feet in the water. I did that the whole time I was there and it kept me really cool. If my feet weren't in the cool water, I just started sweating like no other. It was so hot this day! I even got sun burnt =(

Oh I ate this breakfast sandwich. It's pretty much a chicken sandwich with egg and vegetables such as corn and lettuce in it.

This is the area where people get ready into their dragon boats to start the next race.

Dragon boat!

During my time at Xindian, Theresa and I explored a little part of the area. There was a man selling balloons. I really wanted one!

There were a lot of different shops and food stands open at this time for potential business. There aren't this many on other days.

I also walked over the bridge to take some other shots =)

There is also a tented area with more food shops. It's more expensive than the food stands. They offer you seating and water mist that sprays frequently to cool you down =) The food looked good here!

That's all for the Xindian pictures. You could always look at more on my Facebook albums =)

Gold Man

The rest of the day was spent resting at my hostel and napping. I also went to Gongguan Night Market to show Brenda and Roger around. We ran into Gold Man!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Eat Drink Man Woman - Day 45 - June 19, 2010

Mosquito Bites of the Day: 4
Total: 23

The weather is getting hotter and hotter in Taipei. That means fun and shine for those mosquitos. I'm getting eaten alive over here!

Bakery Goods


It's been a while since I had a bakery item. This was part of my lunch =) I had a banana to fill the rest of my tummy up. This is basically a mini hot dog with herbs. I liked it a lot, the hot dog meat could have been better but the rest of it was good =)

Dinner Time

Theresa and I have been eyeing a restaurant at Gongguan Night Market for a while. We would pass by a sign filled with pictures of food at reasonably cheap prices!

Just like a majority of the restaurants here in Taiwan, you can grab a free bowl of soup if you sit in =) I really liked their soup!


I ordered a deep fried pork patty with cheese inside it. It was pretty good! The vegetables were bland though o_O

The Harvard of Taiwan

The Harvard of Taiwan is National Taiwan University (NTU). NTU is located by the Gongguan MRT Station. The campus is located at a great spot because the night market is close by. There are also tons of places to eat that are really good! I did a bit of walking around the campus but couldn't see much. There wasn't a lot of lighting =(

Other shots.

They also have a huge recreational area where you can run on the track, play tennis, basketball, and more.

An artsy thingy or something. I'm not really sure haha... but it involves Time Change!


There are a lot of bus stop signs that are electronic. It tells you many minutes it will take for the next bus to arrive. High techy =)

A gas station in Taipei. There aren't many gas stations in Taipei, at least I haven't seen many. It's kind of weird because there are a lot of motorcycles on the road. You would think the gas stations would be more crowded with them.

A store that sells portraits and painting I guess.

Wisteria Tea House

Have you ever watched the Chinese movie called Eat Drink Man Woman? It's a pretty old movie, it was released in 1994. I remember watching it with my brother and aunt when I was little. I didn't really understand much at that age, I just ended up falling asleep. However, I woke up in the end and understood that last scene haha. I rewatched this movie with Theresa during one of the earlier or middle of our stay in Taiwan.

Anyways, Eat Drink Man Woman took some scenes at Wisteria Tea House. I'm not really sure which one though... It may be inside one of the rooms there or something. I didn't go inside though because I figured you would have to pay to drink in there. I should have done it but it was getting late.

This was posted by Wisteria Tea House.

Oh and here is the movie! Eat Drink Man Woman is a good movie, you should definitely watch it =)

Kitty =)

I spotted a stray kitten! It was so cute! If I lived in Taipei, I would bring the kitty to a vet and keep it =D