Sunday, July 4, 2010

Snacks! - Day 47 - June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010

Mosquito Bites of the Day: 1
Total: 26

These mosquitos are taking advantage of the little time they have left with me to bite me =( They're too mean!

I don't have many pictures for this day because I didn't go anywhere. I had to return to work from 5:30-7:00pm to help out with Grand Valley. But this is what I had for lunch!

Noodles with meat and vegetables. The meat was pork and overcooked, but rest was good though! 60NT=$1.87

I was also able to try a bunch of snacks from helping out with Grand Valley.

I always enjoy the sandwiches =) It's just a slice of lunch meat and cheese. Beside it is a custard pastry that's really good. The green cake with powder has a green tea flavor. I enjoyed it =) Then the best one is the pastry with chicken, cheese, and onion. It was gooooood. I think there was cheese in it...

The snack with the green logo has yellow bean inside it. It's pretty good, you store it in the fridge. The two skinny wrappers are those egg roll looking snacks with creme inside, I love those! The red and black wrapper is a chocolate snack with peanuts and caramel I think it was. Then the brown wrapper is a round cookie with creme in the middle. They have a lot of different flavors. This one was a chocolate creme.a


After work, I went to get dinner with Theresa at a duck/piggy place! The restaurant here gives you a lot of meat from the duck instead of a bunch of bones. It's pretty good, they also put a sauce over the duck that makes it better. As usual, you also get free soup at many restaurants in Taiwan.